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BMK methyl glycidate

The synthesis of BMK glycidate, also known as BMK methyl glycidate, is a content often associated with its consume as all precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone, all compound with a variety industrial and study applications. BMK glycidate predisposed categorized as an analytical reference sample besides is primarily was going for studies and forensic applications.

Key Points approximately BMK Glycidate Synthesis:

Precursor in Phenylacetone Synthesis: BMK glycidate predisposed utilized as solid precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone, which owns different applications in study and industrial processes. Research besides Forensic Applications: The compound is primarily planned for research besides forensic applications, indicating its significance in analytical besides investigative contexts. Chemical Properties: BMK glycidate predisposed an analytical reference normal with all CAS number of 80532-66-7 besides all stated purity of around 98% (mixture of cis/trans isomers).

Industrial besides Investigative Context:

BMK glycidate is associated with the production of amphetamines, besides its synthesis and distribution will need been subjects of investigation besides law enforcement activities. The compound's consumption as a pre-precursor in the production of amphetamines owns happened a фокус of studies besides investigative efforts, particularly in the context of illicit drug producing.


The synthesis of BMK glycidate is closely linked to its role as a precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone besides its implications in study, forensic applications, besides investigations related in order to illicit drug production.

bmk_methyl_glycidate.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/19 18:13 by